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Tag Archives: facilino

DYOR Adventures of RoboLink

In this entry I will present my robot from the Mobile Robotics class at UPV based on the DYOR Robot Concept. My main theme is the video game “The Legend of Zelda”. (more…)

(Español) DYOR Guarda patrulla

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español.

Detecting Colours with TCS3200 sensor

In this post we show how to detect and classify colours using TCS3200 colour sensor and Facilino.


Showing Text with the LEDs Matrix

In this post we show how to show text with a 8×8 LEDs matrix max7219 to use with your DYOR robot and Facilino.


Showing Basic Expressions with LEDs Matrix

In this post we show how to generate simple expressions with a 8×8 LEDs matrix max7219 to use with your DYOR robot and Facilino.


Reading a Potentiometer with Facilino

In this post, we show a simple example for reading an analog input with Facilino. The analog input value is mapped into a value between 0 and 100 and this will control the integrated LED of Arduino Nano, based on its value.


Traffic Light Crossing with Facilino

In this post, we will show a simple traffic light crossing example with Facilino using colour LEDs.


TCRT5000 Module (linetracker)

Learn how to use the light module (linetracker). DYOR robot uses this module to track lines on the ground using the contrast (between black and white). Working principle, connection diagrams and programming examples with Facilino and Arduino.


8×8 LEDs Matrix (Max7219)

Learn how to use a 8×8 LEDs matrix (max7219). DYOR robot has a LEDs matrix to generate expressions (as a mouth). We describe it’s working principle and examples of use with de uso con Facilino and Arduino.


Ultrasound sensor HC-SR04

Learn how to use the ultrasound (sonar) sensor HC-SR04. DYOR robot uses this sensor to detect obstacles and measure distances. Working principle, connection diagrama and programming example with Facilino.
